Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Call It Spring

I'm still putting together my wardrobe for my US/Canada trip more than a week from now. I'm trying to edit the content of my suitcase. Hubby won't be coming with us but my son will be with me... which means I need something comfy, something I can run around with my kid with, but still fashown!

That's a bit hard!

Well, I want to bring either my Tom's or my PAEZ shoes, but I want something to match most of my outfits. Then was at Greenbelt the other day and was eyeing these shoes in Call It Spring.

Sandals for my dresses.



But I love height! I love my wedges and platforms! And I've proven I can run after my kids in heels...



Then again... flats are nice too!



Or maybe I should just bring one pair of shoes and my aunts will take pity on me and buy me stuff there! Haha! I'm really a shoe addict!

Call It Spring is a Canadian brand from ALDO group of companies. 

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